Last year, I stumbled across Ali Edwards'blog and I was blown away by the challenge to find one little word that would represent my year. After a little bit of reflection and goal setting, I landed on the word "Link". My plan was to link my passions with my profession, link professionally with folks who can make me smarter, link people in need with the
resources that they need to be successful in life. Linking and making deeper relationships with my husband, family, friends, parents in my building, and anyone else that crosses my path. And, even more exciting for me, was thinking about the areas where "link" might show up that had never crossed my mind.
resources that they need to be successful in life. Linking and making deeper relationships with my husband, family, friends, parents in my building, and anyone else that crosses my path. And, even more exciting for me, was thinking about the areas where "link" might show up that had never crossed my mind.
So how did the little word, that I truly believe chose me, fare?
Thinking back to the expectations I had around this one little word, I can't believe how narrow I was in my thinking. Initially, when I stated I wanted to link my passions with my profession, I had it in my mind that I would bring service learning into my school building. Or, better yet, I would find a way to help others while at Sherwood, utilizing the resources I had on hand.
The reality?
I got linked to the Strive Partnership (by total accident...I might add) and ended up taking on a new position where my passions are my profession. I get to come to work every day and have a much broader impact on teaching and learning, as well as, helping to grow my city and eradicate poverty. SERIOUSLY?!?!?! Then, take it a step further in this role, I am constantly linking the dots all day long. Making connections and linking people with programs, efforts, initiatives - you name it! This word permeates my life...daily.
As far as linking families in need with resources, this too has grown beyond my expectations. Through my mentoring experiences with Secret, I have built a pretty solid relationship with her immediate family, as well as her aunt and 2 cousins. Through relationship building (which is the ultimate "link"), I have been able to begin to link this family with supports that they need in order to begin to break the cycle of poverty. It is still a long road ahead that will continue to need additional supports which will hopefully come from the CityLink Center (celebrating huge strides and is scheduled to open Fall of 2012).
Professionally speaking, I am quick to foster relationships, make those connections to help others. Where I am still growing is in linking in my personal relationships and going deeper. My husband I have been extremely intentional about carving out "coffee time" (time for us to connect without any other distractions). But, my personal friendships are still growing. It is a work in progress.
Big learnings this year...
Don't have expectations for the EXPECTANT and open to the possibilities.
Don't limit myself to setting goals...DREAM BIG!
So, in my opinion, "LINK" doesn't go away. It stays a part of me (shoot, how can it not?). However, I need a new word for this year. One that has chosen me, one that will guide my path as I journey on.
This year...drumroll new word is.....